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(Artikelnr: CGRJAW5)

8" Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool - Non-slip Creative Grids

Create the illusion of curves with this Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool. Sew four blocks together to ''piece'' a circle. Sewing narrow strips to two adjoining sides of the center square and wide strips to the remaining two sides create the curve. Mark the wrong side of the center square through the holes on the ruler to ensure a perfect seam allowance. Then sew a round - two narrow and two wide and trim. Add two more rounds to complete a perfect 8" finished block. The cutting requirements for the center square and the narrow and wide strips are printed right on the ruler. Combine these blocks with the original Log Cabin Trim Tool (CGRJAW1) which makes traditional log cabins, courthouse steps, and half log cabins. The design possibilities just got a lot more interesting - It doesn't get any easier than this!

Video('s): CGRJAW5
Prijs per stuk:
€ 24,13 *
Aantal: Bestellen

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