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(Artikelnr: 141332)
Now you can have your bedroom just the way you want it; your colors, your style. With this book you have options. How many times have you had something in mind for your bedroom, but couldn't find it. Now, if you can think it, you can make it. If you have a favorite fabric, make it into a bed runner and matching pillow shams for that perfect touch. Take quilting to a new level. Quilting is so much more than a quilt. Open the door to a whole new craft. The options are limitless. Any quilter will find this book of interest. There are projects for every skill level and projects from traditional to modern. It's a book that will become a reference guide when making quilted gifts for people with different style tastes. If a quilter is looking for a well rounded book with ideas that can be used again and again, this is it.
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