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(Numéro d'article: HFDS2)
2 Historical Folk Doll - Gail Wilson

15" Doll with woven wool fabric hair

In this kit, the doll that is to be made is about 15" tall and is represtentative of many dolls from the period 1800-1875. This particular doll in the series has a simple-to-sew face with a nose suggested by needle-sculpting and most unusual is her style of hair. I believe that this technique may have evolved from a lack of other fibers to make hair, so that sewing on an old soft scrap of wool was the make-do alternative, or perhaps an observant mother saw that fabric hair would better survive actual play. In any case, the technique has a lot of charm to add to the quiet humbleness that makes these dolls so loved today. Like Kit 1 of these series, the doll is stained and antiqued to impart age. Her clothes include a dress in a print and style common for the times with a slip and pantaloons beneath. A small tag with her story is included.
Photo(s) :
Informations sur les prix :
Prix par pièce:
€ 40,96 *
Quantité : Commander

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't Dreefhuys
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