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(Numéro d'article: HFDHAN)
9" Hannah Dolls - Gail Wilson

I do love small scale dolls best, and so I find myself going back to the scale I worked in for over 20 years almost exclusively. The 9" Hannah doll was the very first doll I named and appropriately, after my daughter. This doll to me says it all in a cloth doll. I have perfected a Columbian-style pattern as my favorite for ease of successful stuffing and simplified the style of construction while keeping the important details to keep the doll dear. She has a perfect small foot just right to either paint on shoes or not and stitched fingers on her tiny hands. Because of the painted-on hair, it was easy to add a boy and make this a set. Both dolls with their small folk cat come as a pattern which includes how to make the simple lace and with iron-on face transfers. Finished Dolls can be had as a set or singly (with cat).
Informations sur les prix :
Prix par pièce:
€ 17,25 *
Quantité : Commander

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't Dreefhuys
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