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Make Your Mouth Mask - Essentials
We can also help you to make your own mouth mask!
We follow the government pattern that you can find on
We offer an extensive range of fabrics, more than 2000 different bolds. Patchwork fabrics are thé fabrics to be used for a quality mouth mask. Discover our online fabric assortment, but lots more fabrics can be found in our store in Ninove. Special promotion on plain fabrics, now at €9,00/m.
We have various ribbons available to attach your mask, the elastics will be back in stock at the end of this week. You can also easily make your own bias with the bias makers.
Our store will open again on May 4th (exceptionally already on Monday!), But in the meantime we are happy to help you via this website, chat, email or telephone!
Do you need help cutting the fabric, making your mouth mask, or personalizing? We like to help you! Contact us without obligation and we will see how we can best help you!
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