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(Numéro d'article: GWPCS)
8 1/2" Painted Cloth Santa - Gail Wilson

This 8 1/2" tall Santa figure was inspired by old Father Christmas figures made primarily in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in various materials from chalkware to carved wood, clay and cloth. He has a simple flat bottom enabling him to stand alone and his face and features are painted, varnished and antiqued over a needle-sculpted nose. Noses are brought into relief with a few stitches and face detail is accomplished with a tissue transfer or optional free-hand instructions. Since just the right old red fabric with a little texture is not available, common red flannel is provided with dye and simple dyeing instructions to render it a just-right color. Sash and tree are also dyed with dye included. Beard is of real wool and tree is a natural sisal brush tree with a cinnamon dough star and wooden base to complete his nostalgic look.

Informations sur les prix :
Prix par pièce:
€ 35,85 *
Quantité : Commander

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't Dreefhuys
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9400 Ninove
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